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1 500.00 грн

Storm water inlet, type "DB-2" (large) with a lock

Product Code: 6994
In Stock
1 500.00 грн
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A cast-iron storm water inlet of the "DB-2" type (large) with a lock is a part of the drainage system as part of the storm sewer and is actively used to protect pedestrian and highways, building foundations, roofs of houses, etc. It makes sense to buy a storm water inlet to drain water from lawns and sports grounds.

For areas with a high level of traffic (roads with heavy traffic, garages and parking lots for heavy vehicles), it is best to order cast-iron storm water inlets that can withstand mass pressure of up to 90 tons, are immune to negative environmental factors and have a large capacity for storm flows. Due to their durability and strength, they are considered the most preferable option for organizing gutters of varying complexity. The main disadvantages of the products are the relatively high cost, the likelihood of sparking and a certain value in the eyes of metal collectors, which provokes frequent cases of theft and requires additional protection with the installation of locking devices.

Weight: 67 kg

Load class: B125

Case size: 900x570x80 mm

Lattice size: 800x400x30 mm

Load: 12.5 t

    You can buy a pig-iron storm water inlet of the DB-2 type (large) with a lock from us at the most favorable price in Ukraine. A wide range of products allows us to quickly and efficiently fulfill any orders, helping to complete any construction work on time.

The main thing
Cast iron
View by manufacturing method
point, linear
Chemical composition
cast iron
Type by purpose
A cast iron storm inlet is used to direct water flows into storm pipelines and prevent debris from entering the drainage system. Cast iron sewer hatch installed on inspection wells of city engineering communications of heat, gas, cable networks, water supply. The cast iron grate is used for installation in the furnace
A type
Cast iron hatch, storm inlet, grate
The country of manufacture

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