Steel strip st. U8A 10 * 500 * 1940mm for tools operating in conditions that do not cause heating of the cutting edge: cutters, countersinks, axes, chisels, chisels, longitudinal and disc saws, knurling rollers, center punch, screwdrivers. (Substitutes: st.U7A, U7, U10A, U10) Forging temperature, 0C: beginning 1180, end 800. Billets with a cross section of up to 100 mm are cooled in air. 101 - 300 mm - in the pit. Weldability - not applicable for welded structures. Welding method - KTS. Workability by cutting - at HB 187 - 227 ktv.spl. = 1.2, = 1.1. The tendency to temper brittleness is not inclined. Flock sensitivity - not sensitive
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