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Features of the use of ferrous metal in production

Features of the use of ferrous metal in production

Black rolled metal is actively used in a variety of modern areas, because it combines good performance and affordable cost. In modern industry, it is unlikely that a more common material will be found. Black rolled products consist of cast iron and steel, and can have a wide variety of features, depending on which type of alloy is used in production. Ferroalloys are often used to make high quality alloy steels. On the site can get acquainted with the popular types and features of using such a rental in as much detail as possible.

The main types of ferrous metal

There are several key varieties of such products that have characteristic differences and scope. There are several main options in this area:

  • Long products, which are products for special purposes. This category of products includes a variety of steel structures, including wire rod, beam, and more. Wire rod is actively used for the manufacture of gratings, nets. The beam, which is one of the most common materials for creating ceilings in the construction industry, has also received widespread use. Here it is worth noting also the reinforcement, which is protected from corrosive effects, has good indicators of durability and strength.
  • Shaped steel consists of products in which the cross section is crossed by a tangent at least one point. This type of rental includes various types of profiles, channel bars, corners. The channel is actively used in construction, and the corners are metal plates of different lengths.
  • Pipe rolling is considered the most common category. Various combinations of cast iron and steel are used in production. It can be welded or seamless pipes of different diameters.
  • Sheet metal is also very popular. Its manufacture is based on the use of ferrous metal, from which sheets of various sizes and characteristics can be obtained.

Use in the production of ferrous metal

Products from this type of rolled metal are very actively used in various areas of modern production, in the household and construction sectors. Its main areas of application include:

  • Automotive industry.
  • Aviation industry.
  • Engineering.
  • Various construction areas.

In particular, rolled products are actively used for the manufacture of various products, including fittings for the construction industry. Thanks to it, it is possible to strengthen various building structures. Special attention deserves products that are used in the modern industrial sector for the production of various parts and other equipment. The scope of application is the most extensive. The main thing here is to order high-quality black metal products certified according to all standards.

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