Our address: Nikopol city, Trubnykiv avenue, 91, office 220
81.00 грн


Product Code: 07895
In Stock
81.00 грн
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Glutaraldehyde 25kg, wholesale appears to be a yellowish liquid. Has a characteristic smell.

It is a complex organic substance belonging to the group of aldehydes. The content of the main substance is not less than 25%.

The chemical formula is C5H8O2.

Where is it applied?

For disinfection in the medical and laboratory industries, as well as in food premises, children's institutions;

As a fixative of biological tissues when examining them by electron microscopy;

As a tannin in the manufacture of leather products;

Added to embalming compositions;

In industrial water treatment;

For sterilization of dental and medical instruments and equipment.

    You can buy Glutaraldehyde from us at the best price in Ukraine. A wide range of products allows us to quickly and efficiently fulfill any order, helping to complete any construction work on time.

The main thing
View by manufacturing method
Chemical composition
Type by purpose
disinfection of indoor surfaces, rigid furniture, sanitary equipment, patient care items, dental suction systems and spittoons, toys, linen, tableware (canteen and laboratory)
Additional services
Cutting is carried out according to the customer's order and the products are packed according to the customer's order. Sent by any carriers across Ukraine.

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