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61.00 грн

Hydrogen peroxide 35% 11 kg

Product Code: 08003
In Stock
61.00 грн
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Hydrogen peroxide 35% 11 kg is a complex composition with connected oxygen atoms with the properties of salts. Appearance - colorless liquid (density 1.4 g/cm3). Obtained from persulfuric acid. It has a characteristic odor and metallic taste. This is a viscous substance (explained by developed hydrogen bonds). It dissolves well in ether, alcohol, water.

It is an oxidizing agent and a solvent. Hydrogen peroxide is not combustible, but explosive and flammable. The maximum harmless dose of vapors in the air is 0.3 mg/m3. Belongs to the second class of danger. The solution is able to cause burns, inflammation on the skin and mucous membranes. GOST 177-88.

Chemical formula - (H2O2) .

Where is it applied?

For disinfection of various surfaces: in the food industry, aquariums, medical institutions, children's institutions and more.

In textile and paper production as a bleaching agent.

In the treatment of wounds as an antiseptic, and a blood-clotting agent.

In the chemical industry as a solvent for salts.

In the mining and metalworking industries.

In the production of electronic computers when creating chips.

For weeding, cleaning, polishing metal.

Seeds are processed in agriculture.

    You can buy Hydrogen Peroxide 35% from us, 11 kg, 1130 kg at the best price in Ukraine. A wide range of products allows us to quickly and efficiently fulfill any order, helping to complete any construction work on time.

The main thing
View by manufacturing method
Chemical composition
Hydrogen peroxide 35%
Type by purpose
for cleaning surfaces as well as removing dirt, e.g. in sewer or ventilation pipes
Additional services
Cutting is carried out according to the customer's order and the products are packed according to the customer's order. Sent by any carriers across Ukraine.

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