Our address: Nikopol city, Trubnykiv avenue, 91, office 220
654.00 грн

Perhydrol for the pool 35% (canister 11 kg)

Product Code: 07999
In Stock
654.00 грн
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Perhydrol for the pool 35% (canister 11 kg) - a colorless liquid without a pungent odor and with a "metallic" taste, infinitely miscible with water, solution density 1.13 g/cm3.

The substance decomposes on heating or under the influence of light producing oxygen, which increases the fire hazard.

The substance is a strong oxidizer and reacts violently with combustible and reducing materials causing fire and explosion hazard, especially in the presence of metals. Aggressive to many organic substances, such as textiles and paper.

Due to its property, perhydrol is used in various industries:

For disinfection of various surfaces: in the food industry, medical institutions, children's institutions and more.

· In textile and paper production as a bleaching agent.

· In the treatment of wounds as an antiseptic, and a blood clotting agent.

· In the chemical industry as a solvent for salts.

· In the mining and metalworking industry.

· In the production of electronic computers when creating chips.

· For weeding, cleaning, polishing metal.

· Seeds are processed in agriculture.

Perhydrol is in great demand at home for cleaning the pool.

Dosage: 700 ml per 1m3 of water


Cheapness - unlike most modern cleaning products and special systems, it is inexpensive.

· The liquid has no color and no such pungent odor as, for example, no less common chlorine.

· Not only purifies water, but also makes it transparent, removing an unpleasant greenish tint.

The application does not affect the change in the pH of the water.

· Cleaning the pool does not require the presence of a specialist.

· At observance of a dosage and recommendations about use means does not do harm to health of people.

· The result lasts up to two months.

Disadvantage: Not applicable for water temperatures above 27-28°C (decreased efficiency).

    You can buy Perhydrol for the pool from us 35% (canister 11 kg) at the best price in Ukraine. A wide range of products allows us to quickly and efficiently fulfill any order, helping to complete any construction work on time.

The main thing
View by manufacturing method
Chemical composition
Perhydrol for the pool 35%
Type by purpose
it is an effective, affordable disinfectant that destroys all known pathogenic microorganisms, such as viruses, fungi, bacteria, pathogens of various dangerous diseases
Additional services
Cutting is carried out according to the customer's order and the products are packed according to the customer's order. Sent by any carriers across Ukraine.

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