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149.00 грн

Trilon B (disodium salt)

Product Code: 08064
In Stock
149.00 грн
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Trilon B (disodium salt) 25kg, wholesale is a white crystalline powder with antioxidant properties. The substance promotes formation with some cations, and calcium ions. This is an organic food additive E 386 that protects products from oxidation and decay. Get a synthetic method. Solubility: complete in water, complete in alkalis, weak in alcohol. Reacts to active oxidizing agents. Trion B is a trademark owned by the German concern BASF. May provoke inflammation of the mucous membranes, respiratory tract, skin. The working process is provided with respirators and air ventilation.

Chemical formula - C10H14N2Na2O8

Where is it applied?

In the food industry as an antioxidant for: fish, meat, margarine, butter, sausages, semi-finished products, confectionery, vegetables and mushrooms, fruits. It is used as a stabilizer - a deactivator of destabilizing conditions.

In the chemical industry for the evaluation of metals. Also serves as a component of detergents.

In medicine, it is the basis of drugs directed against calcium salts.

Ammonia liquid with Trilon B is used to restore batteries and car cooling systems, to remove scale from washing machines.

In industry for cleaning pipes, systems, hoses.

In heating structures, in boiler houses, at thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants for cleaning pipes.

In the restoration of metal products.

    You can buy Trilon B (disodium salt) from us at the best price in Ukraine. A wide range of products allows us to quickly and efficiently fulfill any order, helping to complete any construction work on time.

The main thing
View by manufacturing method
Chemical composition
Trilon B (disodium salt)
Type by purpose
flushing the cooling system, not only in the car, but also in heat and power equipment
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Cutting is carried out according to the customer's order and the products are packed according to the customer's order. Sent by any carriers across Ukraine.

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