Steel wire OH, D 0.5 mm heat-treated, galvanized is made of low-carbon steel, has a round cross-section and a smooth profile. The product is widely used in a wide variety of industries: it serves as a material for the manufacture of hardware, barbed and knitting wire, various nets (plaster, chain-link, etc.), can be used for tying reinforcing cages, tying goods and cargo, etc.
Low-carbon steel wire GOST 3282-74 is divided into heat-treated and non-heat-treated. Heat treatment gives the product special strength, ductility, resistance to breaking forces and kinks, and at the same time increases its cost.
General purpose wire can be produced with or without protective zinc coating. The service life of galvanized wire is significantly increased, in addition, it becomes possible to use it in conditions of high humidity. Coated products, depending on the density of galvanizing, are divided into 1st and 2nd class. Non-galvanized wire can be light or black.
St1, St2, St3 of all degrees of deoxidation according to DSTU 2770 (GOST 30136);
1006, 1008, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018 according to SOU MPP 77.140-236;
С4D, С7D, С9D, С10D, С12D, С15D, С18D according to DSTU EN 10016.
You can buy a steel wire OH, D 0.5 mm heat-treated, galvanized from us at the most favorable price in Ukraine. A wide assortment allows us to quickly and efficiently fulfill any orders, helping you to complete any construction work on time.
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