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63.70 грн

Primary PVC granule, plastic compound in granules

Product Code: 11966
In Stock
63.70 грн
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Primary PVC granule, plastic compound in granules is used in the cable industry for the manufacture of insulation and sheaths for cables, wires and cords. They are distinguished by good insulating properties, high mechanical strength and resistance to solar radiation.

The polymer is a complex of additives to the main substance - polyvinyl chloride. Polyvinyl chloride is formed by polymerization of vinyl chloride in water at a temperature of +40 to +50⁰С under an overpressure of about 50-70 N/mm2. Vinyl chloride itself is isolated from acetylene and ethylene during cracking and pyrolysis of petroleum products, dry distillation of coal, or obtained from natural gas.

To give the polymer material the appropriate properties, special substances are introduced that cause the acquisition of both positive and negative characteristics. For example, insulating PVC compound needs to have good electrical characteristics, while PVC compound requires better mechanical characteristics, better resistance to solar radiation and prevention of microbial growth for sheathing.

The granule is used in the production of hose, cable and wire products

    You can buy Primary PVC granules, plastic compound in granules from us at the best price in Ukraine. A wide range of products allows us to quickly and efficiently fulfill any order, helping to complete any construction work on time.

The main thing
View by manufacturing method
Полівінілхлорид утворюється за допомогою полімеризації хлористого вінілу у воді за температури від +40 до +50⁰С під надлишковим тиском близько 50-70 Н/мм2. Сам хлористий вініл виділяють з ацетилену та етилену при крекінгу та піролізі нафтових продуктів, сухій перегонці кам'яного вугілля або одержують із природного газу. Для надання полімерному матеріалу відповідних властивостей вводять спеціальні речовини, які викликають придбання як позитивних, так і негативних характеристик.
Chemical composition
This is a structural polymer material, polystyrene foam or foam plastic based on polyvinyl chloride, colorless, transparent plastic, thermoplastic polymer of vinyl chloride.
Type by purpose
Primary PVC granules, plastic compound in granules, are used in the cable industry for the manufacture of insulation and sheaths for cables, wires and cords. The granule is used in the production of hoses, cables and wires. They are characterized by good insulating properties, high mechanical strength and resistance to solar radiation.
A type
Polyvinyl chloride granule
The country of manufacture

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