Our address: Nikopol city, Trubnykiv avenue, 91, office 220

Stainless hexagon

In stock
Model: 3180
165.00 грн/kg
In stock
Model: 3184
165.00 грн/kg
In stock
Model: 3190
165.00 грн/kg
In stock
Model: 3181
165.00 грн/kg
In stock
Model: 3186
165.00 грн/kg
In stock
Model: 3188
165.00 грн/kg
In stock
Model: 3183
165.00 грн/kg
In stock
Model: 3182
165.00 грн/kg
In stock
Model: 3189
165.00 грн/kg
In stock
Model: 3185
165.00 грн/kg
In stock
Model: 3187
165.00 грн/kg
Stainless hexagon

Stainless hexagon in Ukraine

Hexagons made of stainless steel can be used for the production of various parts. With the help of the properties of stainless steel, they are quite durable, reliable, and have a wide range of applications. It is actually very wide. The main thing is to purchase certified rolled metal in order to get all the main advantages for successful use. We offer to choose hexagons with the necessary technical characteristics for specific needs, spending a minimum amount of effort and time. In our catalog, it is easy to find a description, price, and professional consultation from managers will help to solve all other problems and find a balanced solution for each client.

The main features of stainless hexagons

They may differ in the type of manufacture. Calibration and hot rolling can be noted among the main production methods. Each variant has its own unique features and gives the product the corresponding characteristics. Not only the production method, but also the length and diameter may differ. The latter usually varies from 3 to 100 mm, which allows you to find the right solution for specific needs. To determine the diameter of the product, the diameter of the circle in which it can be inscribed is used.

The stainless hexagons presented by us strictly comply with all standards and are produced according to technological standards. Therefore, quality is in every product, only the main characteristics may differ. Thanks to the use of reliable steel in production, it is possible to count on the use of hexagons in various conditions, even when exposed to high temperatures. An important feature is the increased level of protection against corrosion processes, which allows to expand the scope of application. The structure does not have any cavities, it is one-piece, which provides protection against deformation and makes it possible to form strong connections.


The purchase of certified stainless steel hexagons allows you to count on receiving several mandatory advantages:

  • High level of durability.
  • Protection against corrosion.
  • The possibility of heat treatment, which expands production opportunities.
  • Withstands significant pressure and loads.

The main thing is to order quality products. It will not be difficult to do it with us, and the price will always pleasantly surprise.

Buy stainless hexagons

In the catalog you can find them in a good assortment, which guarantees making a competent choice and a really profitable purchase. You can find out the production method, sizes, and get information about the application. Managers will tell you all the nuances in an accessible language, help you not make a mistake in making a decision. Delivery is carried out by the method chosen by the client himself. Therefore, you can count on timely receipt of the order, regardless of its size. All products are covered by the quality guarantee, which becomes an additional advantage.


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