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Kharkiv glue 88, rubber glue, rubber, glue 4NBUV analogue, rubber compound, raw rubber, glue RS, SK, glue Titan-13, glue 4508, glue 2572, glue 425

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Kharkiv glue 88, rubber glue, rubber, glue 4NBUV analogue, rubber compound, raw rubber, glue RS, SK, glue Titan-13, glue 4508, glue 2572, glue 425

Glue 88 is a solution of ethyl acetate, rubber and phenol-formaldehyde resin. It has a viscous structure, has a beige tint. Used cold or hot. It is mainly intended for gluing rubber to surfaces made of wood or concrete.
What types of materials can be glued with glue 88:
This composition is considered universal. It is suitable both for small household works, and in repair and industrial areas (shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, tailoring of shoes). In construction work, the ability of the adhesive to penetrate deep into the surface is taken into account, so it is sometimes used as a primer.
The main technical characteristics of glue 88 are water and heat resistance, plasticity, fast setting. The adhesive seam withstands temperatures from -30 to +90, does not lend itself to mechanical damage. This adhesive is safe for humans, as it does not emit harmful substances into the air both during use and after drying. This property makes the material suitable for use even indoors without risk to health. One of the advantages of the 88th adhesive is its anti-corrosion properties, due to which it is used when working with metals.
Types and features
Glue 88 is sold in several modifications, each of them has a number of features and a unique purpose:
     Glue 88-CA, like BF, is called rubber. This composition is intended for materials with a porous and fibrous structure. Bonds rubber and metal well. The seam withstands temperatures down to -50, remains elastic and durable. It is used in everyday life for minor repairs, including shoes.
88-NP - a type of glue 88, designed to connect rubber with materials such as wood, plastic, leather, concrete. This composition is the most water resistant. Inert to both fresh and salt water. It's also stronger than 88-CA glue. It is applied in shipbuilding, installation works.
     88-M is an adhesive used to repair cars and other equipment. Differs in ability to connect any materials. This is a particularly strong type of glue 88. It withstands a temperature range from -40 to +70.
     88-HT is sold in 50 ml aluminum tubes. This is a practical option for solving everyday situations. It has all the necessary properties: it is frost-resistant, withstands moisture, elastic and durable.
Lux is a universal type of glue 88. Suitable for fastening any materials, from paper to metal products. Luxe is used in everyday life, construction, technical industry, furniture production.
On sale, types of glue 88 are presented in various containers: cans from 0.65 l, buckets of 25 kg, barrels of 40 kg, small tubes of 40 ml, which are convenient to buy for domestic purposes.
How to use
There are two ways to glue surfaces with glue 88. The first of them is simpler and more often used at home. How to use glue with a cold method, instructions:
     Lubricate the cleaned surfaces with glue and leave for 10-15 minutes. The layer of glue should be uniform and not thick.
     Apply the adhesive again to both objects and wait the same amount of time.
     Connect the treated surfaces firmly and wait a few minutes.
     Leave items for at least a day.
     The recommended temperature for good adhesion of materials is 15-20 degrees.
The second method is hot. Its essence is that the adhesive layer is heated to a certain temperature before joining the parts. This allows you to achieve the best gluing result. Instruction:

     Apply a thin layer of adhesive to the cleaned surfaces.
     Leave it to dry for 30 minutes.
     The surfaces to be glued must be heated to 80-90 degrees.
     Press the items with hot glue firmly together for a few minutes. It will not be superfluous to leave them under pressure.
     Leave items for 3-4 hours until complete bonding.
Glue 88 is recommended to be stored in a sealed container at a temperature of + 10-25 degrees. Subject to the storage rules, the composition will be suitable for use in accordance with GOST within a year. Practice shows that the adhesive retains its characteristics longer.
Established as a good quality multifunctional adhesive, 88 Adhesive is a leader in the construction market. Its use is a guarantee of a durable result, regardless of the type of surface and the method of gluing.
Ways to use adhesives brand 88
Universal adhesives 88 are used in accordance with the instructions for use. Before you start working with the fixing composition of grade 88, you need to prepare the adhesive mass itself and the surfaces.
Preparatory stage:

     The adhesive mass, located in a large container, must be mixed.
     So the mixture will be ready for use, because during long-term storage, part of it precipitates. Pfluid is shed.
     Surfaces to be bonded must be free of dirt.
     If possible, rinse, degrease, dry.

All actions allow to increase adhesion. The recommended air temperature when working with glue is 88 - 15-20ºC.
How to work with adhesive:

     The adhesive is gradually and evenly distributed between the two joining surfaces.
     Listening for 10-15 minutes.
     Another layer is added.
     After a while, you will need to dry it for 3 minutes.
     For better adhesion, the surfaces to be glued should be placed under a heavy object, under a press.
     Remove for 1-2 hours.
     Leave to dry completely for 24 hours.

It was a method when surfaces are glued in a cold way. There is another hot way.
How to proceed with the hot method:

     The composition is applied in a thin layer on both surfaces.
     Leave to dry for 30 minutes.
     Connect the material together, easily press.
     Heat the seam for 10 minutes. The temperature must be at least 90ºC.
     Leave to bond for 4-6 hours.

It is possible to apply the connected surfaces only after the adhesive has completely dried.
The advantage of the hot process is that bonding takes place under the best conditions. Temperature affects the composition of the adhesive, enhancing its properties.
     Important! With the hot method, you need to be careful. The composition should be kept away from sources of fire. The adhesive may ignite.
For safety reasons, when working with adhesives, it is necessary to ventilate the room well. The product is completely safe for humans, since after drying, the glued surfaces do not emit harmful substances.
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Shelf life of chemical compositions is 1 year. This means that during this time the fixing composition can be stored without fear for its quality. But sometimes the substance can become more solid.
     If the glue has thickened, it can be dissolved.
The adhesive composition is dissolved with ethyl acetate in the usual ratio of 1:1. If organic solvents are present, then xylene or toluene are suitable. In normal cases, gasoline is added.
For dissolution, gasoline of the Kalosha brand is taken and used in the proportion of 1 part of gasoline 1 part of glue. The proportions are selected so that the consistency becomes similar to sour cream.
What types of materials can be glued with it
Glue 88 is used to adhere a wide variety of materials to each other. The composition does not corrode surfaces made of genuine leather, fabric, paper. Well attaches to other materials or rubber plastic, ceramics, wood.
All types of adhesive composition are easy to use, differ in quality. You can glue products made of rubber, glass, foam rubber.
Varieties of the fixing composition should be used for their intended purpose. If you need to glue metal, work with 88 metal. For various purposes, when repairing, a universal composition of luxury is used. If rubber boots or an inflatable boat or mattress are to be glued, moisture-resistant compounds are used.
Composition 88 np withstands exposure to low and high temperatures. Glue 88 m is resistant to stress and tearing.
Store formulations at room temperature, in the dark. Preferably away from children, animals and food. It is important to avoid open flames.
Varieties of glue 88 are used in everyday life, construction, for repair and decoration of premises, in industry. Reliably stick together different materials on structure and properties. The versatility of properties allows the use of glue 88 for joining parts and materials made of genuine leather, rubber, wood, rubber.
The use of chemical compositions of this brand guarantees a durable result. It does not depend on the surface of the materials and properties, as well as on the method of gluing.

The main thing
View by manufacturing method
Glue 88 SA, Glue 88-n, Glue 88-nt, Glue Luxe (lux)
Chemical composition
solution of a rubber compound and phenol-formaldehyde resin in a mixture of ethyl acetate and nefras

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