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580.00 грн

Латунна труба ЛС59, Л63, Л68, Л90 120 мм

Виробник: Украина
Код товару: 6470
В наявності
580.00 грн
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Brass pipe LS59, L63, L68, L90 120 mm - hollow-shaped products made of copper-zinc alloy. They are used in instrument and mechanical engineering, construction, housing and communal services and other areas of industry.

The production of brass pipes from grades L63 and L68 is carried out in accordance with GOST 15527-2004, which regulates the chemical composition. GOST 24231-80 defines the procedure for taking and sample preparation for analysis for the content of non-ferrous metals.

The main alloying component of this alloy is zinc. This two-component alloy includes: 60.5 - 97% Cu, 39.5 - 3% Zn. Compared to copper, brass tubular products are distinguished by the best strength and corrosion-resistant characteristics of the material. The difference between brass products and many other alloys is their high mechanical stability. Moreover, this characteristic takes place both in air, in water, in the sea, as well as in carbonic, organic acids or solutions.

Brass pipe from grade L63 has a double (simple) structure. Composition: 63% Cu 37% Zn. Due to the fact that the structure of the material is single-phase, it is characterized by excellent ductility, good strength and corrosion resistance. The inclusion of zinc in the composition made it possible to make the process of machining easier, as well as to reduce the price of products. Products made of alloy L63 are pliable to: processing it under pressure in a cold state, soldering, welding.

The product made of L68 brass has a double (simple) structure. Composition: 68% Cu 32% Zn. Due to the fact that such a material is single-phase in structure, it is characterized by high ductility, good strength, and corrosion resistance. The inclusion of zinc makes the machining process easier and also reduces the cost of production. Products are well processed using cold pressure, easy to solder, weld

The LS59-1 pipe consists of multicomponent lead brass. Composition: about 59% copper, 40% zinc, 1% lead. The structure is two-phase, a distinctive feature is that the rolled products have high strength and wear resistance. The inclusion of zinc makes the machining process easier and also reduces the cost of production. The material is well processed by pressure in a hot state, it lends itself well to cutting.

In the energy sector and in the instrument-making and mechanical engineering industries, brass pipes are used quite actively. In communal engineering systems, they play a vital role in providing water supply, heating. Due to their resistance to temperature extremes, they are quite often used in boiler installations, heat exchange devices. They are found in architecture, construction, as blanks for decorative structures, accessories.

    You can buy the Brass pipe LS59, L63, L68, L90 of 120 mm from us at the most favorable price in Ukraine. A wide range of products allows us to quickly and efficiently fulfill any orders, helping to complete any construction work on time.

марки латуні ЛС59, Л63, Л68, Л90
Вид за способом виготовлення
холодна прокатка, витягування (Д), гаряча деформація або пресування (Г)
Вид за хімічним складом
Л63 – двокомпонентної латуні із співвідношенням цинку та міді приблизно 37/63 відсотків, ЛЗ-59 – міді – від 57 до 60 %. свинцю - від 0,8 до 2%, сплав Л68 (68% міді, 38% цинку), Л90 = мідь 90%, 10% розподілені між залізом, вісмутом, фосфором, свинцем, сурмою
Вид за призначенням
Латунні труби використовують в енергетичній сфері та галузях приладо-, машинобудування латунні труби використовуються досить активно. У комунальних інженерних системах вони відіграють важливу роль для забезпечення водопостачання, опалення. Через стійкість до перепадів температур їх досить часто використовують у бойлерних установках, апаратах теплообміну. Вони зустрічаються в архітектурі, будівництві, як заготовки для декоративних конструкцій, фурнітури. Їх застосовують у промисловості: машинобудуванні, приладобудуванні, суднобудуванні та ін. З них виготовляють труби радіаторів (в т.ч. зі сплаву Л96), секційні радіатори, манометричні пружини
Латунна труба
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